Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Being in the zone

A key aim of games is to keep players in the zone... I would liken this to being in place where you feel you are making new connections and insights. You are both alert and dynamic, while receptive and reflective - fully aroused yin/yang energies. In this place you are creating in every meaning of the word - creating new insights and perspectives, creating products, creating social relationships.... creating a new self.

It is interesting that this series of blogs that I have been writing - four in one day - is very pleasurable. It is about being in the zone... an opportunity for developing layers of meaning making which result in deeper insight and understanding. I am playing a game with no rules nor levels, except the ones I choose to give myself - with my own game goal of trying to go deeper into the heart of things.

Yes, I have spent a bit of time doing it, but I feel it is time well spent. I am alert, interested, excited about going into my class tomorrow... because I know I am now someone else and I am interested in how this person will be.

How can I help my students experience the zone in my classes, to create new selves, and to feel comfortable in helping these new selves explore the world in new ways? How can I help them create game rules for themselves and then throw them away?

Yes, if I have an avatar which reflects who I am as I evolve what would that avatar look like today? Something with wings, perhaps.


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